As we have grown over the last few years we have added the DG LeatherCraft component to the mix. This component basically creates and promotes educational resources for anyone wanting to learn more about the leathercrafting industry. We do this through our expanding brands such as DG LeatherCraft Academy, this Blog, DG LeatherCraft Facebook page, Instagram, Our YouTube Channel and most importantly our DG LeatherCraft Newsletter.

I say “most importantly” because this is our most efficient tool for communicating with you directly.
We have been working in the first quarter of 2021 studying our available tools to better serve you and have learned that this very newsletter is by far our best tool. We also rely heavily on social media and our youtube channel to communicate with the LeatherHead community.
But as we have all seen over the last 6-12 months, we are not in control of these platforms. These platforms are operated by the companies that own them and if we choose to participate then we are to play by their rules. And understandably so. I have no problem with that, but as business owners we have to understand that we are not in control of the delivery of our message.
As valuable as these different platforms are to us, we as a company also have to be in control of the biggest portion of our marketing foundation.
I have understood this for quite sometime and this is why everything we do works to promote as our home base. All our marketing points back to the main property that we as a company own and operate.
Another extremely valuable and efficient property that we own is our newsletter and email list. Although we have not used it to the best of its ability in the past.
That is changing moving forward.
The DG LeatherCraft Newsletter will now be our main connection to our LeatherHead Community.
We will continue to use social media and all of our platforms as usual so nothing is changing there. But if something changes in the social media world… as it surely will… DG LeatherCraft will maintain its ability to provide you with quality resources and products to serve your craftsmanship goals.
I believe that social media has helped our industry tremedously as a whole. I also believe that it… or some form of it… will be around for many years moving forward. But I want to be sure that all our eggs are not in someone else’s basket.
What does this mean for the Newsletter?
At this point I do not have a good answer for this question. I can say, if you decide to sign up to receive it, you will see a more consistent Newsletter and more single topic emails in your inbox.
If you prefer to catch our news and resources on social media, you will still see that as we will continue posting there as usual.
But we will also begin sharing more through the Newsletter as well. Many in our community are not on social media. Or maybe they are on one of the platforms and not the others.
This will insure that those of you that want to see our articles, videos, tips, updates, products and resources are sure to see them.
When someone signs up for the LeatherCraft Newsletter, they are telling us that they want to hear what we have to say and I don’t want to rely on social media to hopefully inform them.
Thank you so much for being a part of our LeatherHead Community! We are excited about 2021 and bringing you more useful information that you can put to work in your shop.
If you or a fellow craftsman that you know, can benefit from our content, spread the word and have them sign up for the DG LeatherCraft Newsletter through the form below. There is also a form on the homepage.
Until next time, have a great week in your shop!