Hand Stitching Leather with an Awl and Two Needles

hand stitchingHand stitching Leather with an awl and two needles is a “must-have” skill set for any aspiring leather craftsman.  This method allows for maximum efficiency when it comes to having to hand stitch any project.

There are many ways to accomplish the same goal, and hand stitching is not any different.  Many people prefer to use a dremel tool with a small drill bit or a set of pricking irons.  These tools work for making the holes when hand stitching, but in my opinion they do not save any time nor create as pretty of a stitch.

In this video, Hand Stitching Leather with and Awl and Two Needles, I show you what I know about hand stitching leather the traditional way.  I prefer this method not for maintaining traditional skill, but more for its efficiency and accuracy when hand stitching leather projects.  This method allows for the best possible stitch and for me I find it to be the quickest method.

When it comes to traditional skills that we as craftsmen should have, I believe that proper hand stitching techniques are mandatory.  Even if you prefer to use a dremel tool or pricking irons, I would suggest that you give this method a try and see if you find it useful.

For sewing supplies used in the video, visit our friends at Maker’s Leather Supply.

And if you have been hand stitching leather and would are interested in getting your first sewing machine, then be sure and check out this recent video we did, “Cobra Sewing Machine Options with Maker’s Leather Supply,” where Aaron and I visit about the different machines Leather Machine Co. offers and which one is the best option for your first sewing machine.

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