leather shop

Hole Punches You Need for Leather Work

One of the most important tasks performed by anyone in leathercraft, or even just someone attempting to repair something made of leather, is making a hole in it.

There are a few ways to accomplish this task and a few different tools to help. If you are working in leathercraft then you will need to have a few different sizes and styles of tools to be able to punch holes in leather.

In this quick video, I go through what I use and prefer.

Non-LeatherCraft Supplies I Have in My Shop

Every leather shop has a need for items that are not necessarily LeatherCraft specific.

In my shop this can range from two part epoxy to baby powder. There are just things that every shop needs to keep in their supply cabinet. These are not items that will be used on a daily basis, but when the need arises they are extremely valuable.

Check out this video to see what items you may be missing in your shop!