Quick Tip: How to Easily Dye Edges of a Leather Belt

Quick Tip:  How to Easily Dye Edges of a Leather Belt

If you want the complete finished and professional look, then I would recommend that you dye the edges of the leather belt you are working on.  I spent years dyeing the edges of my belts, then didn’t dye them for a few years, and now I am back to dyeing them.  To dye or not to dye is a personal preference.

In this video I show you the easiest way to get the edges of a leather belt dyed.  Without getting it all over your hands and in places you don’t want it on the belt.  Belts can be difficult to dye simply because of their length and that there is less space to hold width wise.

I prefer to use dye on all of my edge work in the shop.  Some folks like to use Edge Kote or Edge Paint but I am not a fan of any kind of paint on my edges.  What you decide to use in your work is up to you, but I would suggest giving my process a shot and see how you like it.  I think you will find that your work moves along a little faster and has a bit more of a finished look about it.

The dye that I am using in this video, and the leather dye that I use almost exclusively, is Fiebings Professional Oil Dye.  You can buy this dye from and quality leather supplier such as Weaver Leather or Springfield Leather.  Links below:



If you are just getting started in leathercraft and you haven’t watched our video on “Slicking Edges on Leather” or read our blog article, then I would suggest that you take the time to do that.  Both of these show my edge slicking process which is the foundation to getting the edges to look like you want.  Links below:



Also, here is a link to a our video “Painting on Leather” and it also shows my dye work process.  This is a good video for the subject of dye in general and how to use it.


If you have any questions or comments let us know and we will try out best to help.  Thanks so much!
