If you have been dabbling in leatherwork for a short period of time, or have been cutting your teeth in the leather industry for decades, then you have had someone ask you to make a doctoring saddle bag before.
These bags are fun at times and other times they can be a very challenging project to complete. This is mainly due to the particular requests from the dayhand cowboy that is ordering it. Every cowboy is unique and particular of how his gear is arranged in the tack room, how his horses handle, and how his doctoring bag is designed. No two cowboys are alike and that can pose a challenge when designing one of these bags.
In this Quick Tutorial Video on our Youtube channel I show you how I approached this particular request we had this week in the shop. This is by no means the only way to make this type of doctoring bag, but it is how I took a sketch and turned it into a useful tool for my customer.
Check out this video and see if this is something you would like to try and make. If you like the design that I created here, then you can purchase the pattern pack that goes with this video by clicking HERE.
When it comes to gear there is always more than one way to do it and I would love to see some of your ideas on making this type of bag. Shoot me an email with pics of some that you have made.