How to Basket Stamp a Leather Belt Quickly

We posted a video to our YouTube Channel on “How to Basket Stamp a Leather Belt Quickly.”  If you are new to leatherwork then you most likely have already given one of these a go.

When most of us start out in leathercraft, we quickly come up with the notion that we want to make a belt.  Belts are one of those items that everyone uses.  And, for the most part, the majority of these items are still made from leather.  No matter if you are a businessman, a waitress, a lawyer, or a burly Harley riding biker… we all need something to repel the effects of gravity on our pants.

The basket stamp pattern seems to always be the entry level tool among new craftsmen.  It also becomes the old standby pattern for well established shops.  The reason is because this pattern is easy to run and has a classic look about it that seems to stand the test of time.

In my shop, I often will use a basket stamp to add a little variety to a project.  The pattern is subtle and seems to appeal to the majority of people that see it.  It isn’t a pattern that is so unique that the person has to specifically request it.  For the most part, I use this stamp mainly as a filler pattern that adds texture to a piece without taking away from the focal aspects of the rest of the artwork or design elements.

If you are wanting to try your hand at basket stamping a belt, or any other item, check out this video and see how I set the pattern up and run the stamp.  I’m sure there are other ways to accomplish this, but this is the best way I have found to ensure that the pattern comes out correct and even.

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