All Round Ranch Rodeo 2011

Don Gonzales Saddlery would like to thank All Around Performance Horse for another great show at their ranch rodeo. We have been working with the rodeo and the All Around crew for five years now and really appreciate the opportunity and great times.

The rodeo in Clovis, NM was great and the cowboys that competed put on a great show. Congrats to Arndt Bailey Ranch for winning the $50,000 and to Eng Ranch for their second place. A special congrats goes out to Jake Conrad for winning the Top Horse Award which was a bit made by Joe Spillar and a custom saddle made by DGSaddlery. Jake is a long time customer of our shop and a close friend and it was a great honor to award the saddle to him.

I would also like to thank Matt Stockton the 2009 Top Horse winner who allowed us to showcase his two year old DG custom saddle in our booth during the short round.

Mark your calendars and plan on attending the worlds biggest ranch rodeo in 2012!

