DGS Portfolio







Are you interested in having a custom saddle made?

Are you tired of just riding what is offered on the rack?

Or do you just have some artistic design features in mind?

We have been designing and building custom saddles one at a time since 2004.  I would love to work with you designing the saddle of your dreams.  I will work with you and guide you through the order process and all along the way.  Building a custom saddle is a long process, but it is so worth the wait.

If you would like to visit about having a custom saddle built, then take a moment to fill in the form below.  We will email you with details and set up a time to visit about what you are wanting in a CUSTOM SADDLE.




Do you want to visit about having a custom saddle made?

Ordering a custom saddle doesn't have to be intimidating but there is a process. Let us walk with you through the ordering and design process to get you into the saddle you want to ride.

Just enter your name and email on this form and we will be in touch!

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Order Your Custom Belt!

Let's start with getting a quote! Enter your email address below and we will send you our Order Process right over. This will help guide you through gathering the details that we need to give you a quote on your new custom belt!

Unsubscribe at any time. Powered by Kit